Cater exclusively for wildlife enthusiasts and underwater photographers. 80 percent of dive sites are thoroughly surveyed and proven popular with photographers and bio-diversity scientists. Because you will wish to be familiar with the animals and learn more about their behavior, some sites are dived 2 –3 times. Photographers will have plenty of opportunities to reload and change lenses. We restrict our numbers, which improves the quality of your marine life experience – animals are less likely to be frightened away. Photographers will have ample space for the optimum photo opportunities. Because we want you to enjoy the experience both underwater and above, we only select first class operations for accommodation, dive operations and live-aboards. However some of the best diving is in remote corners of the world, the operation may not be 5-star, but the service and diving will be.
Photographers will have ample space for the optimum photo opportunities. If you signed up for trips that are designated as photographic trip, you may have the option to participate in our unique Essential Digital Photography Workshop. Regardless on all expedition, I will be happy to advise on-the-spot tips for photography and answer any questions as accurately as possible. On some trip, we will have a biologist or naturalist to provide marine life interpretation, discussion on behaviour, sex and lifestyle of marine animals. Our photographic tours are about sharing experiences, and bringing back better pictures…be it with your camera or just in your mind.
CUBA – Gardens of the Queen
Sharks, Crocodiles, Groupers – pristine reef protected since the sixtiesFind out more